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The Best Diet For Getting Pregnant – Promescent

Certain foods can help boost fertility and increase the chances of conception. Here are 18 fertility boosting foods that can help with getting pregnant.

best diet for getting pregnant

Science has yet to pinpoint some magic food or diet that boosts fertility. But, a nutritional approach to fertility has been shown to potentially increase the chances of getting pregnant.

The food you eat, stress levels, and lifestyle can impact fertility and your overall health.

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Some foods that can help with increasing fertility include berries, beans and lentils, and avocados.

Along with eating the right diet, fertility can be naturally increased through being at a healthy weight, reducing stress, and limiting alcohol consumption.

It’s best to avoid caffeine and sugary drinks when trying to get pregnant. Full fat dairy such as whole milk can help improve chances of conceiving.

By making simple changes to diet and exercise, women without serious conditions that cause infertility may conceive before seeking advanced treatments.

Let’s look at 18 foods that increase fertility that happen to be yummy, too.

Fertility Boosting Foods

Here are some specific foods you can add to your diet that promote fertility and improve overall wellness.

Beans & Lentils

Eating pulses (beans, lentils, split peas) can come with various benefits, including maintaining a healthy hormonal balance.

  • high in fiber and protein
  • doesn’t affect glucose levels
  • low in fat
  • folic acid
  • iron
  • vitamin B

Research shows that replacing animal protein with lentils and beans may reduce ovulatory infertility risk. For example, replace chicken or cheese on your salad with chickpeas.

If you buy your canned lentils or beans, check to ensure they’re free of BPA (bisphenol A), which can negatively affect estrogen levels.


Blueberries and raspberries pack a punch with natural antioxidants and anti-inflammatory phytonutrients that can boost fertility in women and men.

But that’s not the only benefit. Berries are full of folate and Vitamin C that assist with fetal development down the road.

It’s recommended that you add at least a cup of berries daily, especially if you’re trying to lose weight to conceive.

Sunflower seeds

For men needing a fertility boost, sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin E, which improves sperm count and mobility.

Sunflowers are high in folate and selenium, which increases fertility in men and women.

Roasted, unsalted sunflower kernels also have Omega-6 fatty acids and Omega-3 fatty acids that also help foster fertility.


While it might not be your first choice, liver is one of the most nutrient-rich foods on Earth. Beef liver is incredibly high in fertility-friendly nutrients such as fatty acids and folates.

Liver contains a lot of fat-soluble vitamins, including hard-to-get vitamin A, along with other much-needed nutrients, including:

  • Iron helps prevent miscarriage and anemia in mothers.
  • Vitamin B12 for proper formation of red blood cells and DNA.
  • Choline increases ovarian function.
  • Omega 3 ups the percentage of antral follicles.

If liver and onions aren’t for you, try using them for meatloaf or shepherd’s pie to mask the iron flavor.


Whole grains are essential when adding fertility foods to your diet and should make up at least 50% of your daily grains.

Quinoa is a gluten-free carb that is a sizable source of protein, folate, and zinc. And because it’s high in fiber, it can address issues with constipation.

Substituting animal proteins with quinoa is an excellent way to add the recommended nutrients to your diet.


Avocados are a good source of folate, which naturally increases fertility in women. Avocado is a fruit that contains high levels of Vitamin K that helps maintain hormonal balance.

Eating an avocado doesn’t come without calories, but it’s mostly made up of good monounsaturated fats. And it’s got plenty of potassium to regulate blood pressure.


Cooked tomatoes contain lycopene, which is a potent antioxidant that helps improve sperm quality and sperm count. As a result, pregnancy rates were increased as well.

Greek yogurt and cheese

Studies show that introducing a full-fat dairy to your fertility diet can boost fertility. It’s believed to be because these foods are associated with a higher content of estrogen and fat-soluble vitamins.

Don’t fear if yogurt is not your thing. Whole milk or an ounce of cheese can give you the same advantages.

Mature cheeses such as parmesan and aged cheddar are high in polyamines, which helps with healthy reproductive function.


Fresh asparagus is a low-cal superfood that is full of nutrients and fertility-boosting qualities, such as 60% of your needed folate and vitamin K, vitamin C, and thiamin. Asparagus also contains glutathione which improves egg quality for women.

Canned asparagus tends to have loads of sodium, so stick to fresh stalks when choosing foods to help get pregnant.


Men and women struggling to get pregnant can benefit from a fertility diet that includes salmon.

Wild-caught salmon is chock-full of fatty acids and omega-3s, which are shown to enhance the probability of conception in women, and decrease the likelihood of pregnancy loss.

It also enhances the sperm quality in men. It’s recommended only to eat wild-caught salmon to avoid mercury.

Egg yolks

An egg yolk holds lots of nutrition. In particular, eggs from pasture-raised chickens contain three fatty acids, several fertility-helping vitamins, and more:

  • iron
  • calcium
  • zinc
  • vitamin B6
  • folate
  • vitamin B12
  • vitamin A
  • fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E
  • vitamin K2

Additionally, an egg yolk contains choline, which reduces the chances of birth defects.


Pineapples contain 46% of the required dose of vitamin C. Women with low levels of vitamin C can be at risk for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).

Avoid over-consuming pineapple while pregnant or trying to get pregnant. It can cause increased uterine contractions.


Because of the numerous seeds, many associate pomegranates with fertility. And while there’s no research that verifies or denies it, a pomegranate does contain plenty of antioxidants that are proven to boost fertility in men and women.

For women, the antioxidants that pomegranate provides improve blood flow to the womb and stimulate the uterus. And for men, antioxidants help to increase sperm quality.

The pomegranate seeds also contain vitamin C, vitamin E, and folic acid, which makes them a great addition to your list of foods to help conceive.


Walnuts are a great source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are thought to support fertility.

In one small study, researchers studied two groups of men. One didn’t eat tree nuts, while the other group ate 75 grams of walnuts a day.

When comparing groups before and after, the ones that ate walnuts saw an improvement in sperm vitality, movement, and shape. The control group saw no change at all.

A handful of walnuts also provides you with magnesium, which is essential in the production of progesterone and maintaining a good supply of blood to the womb.


It’s common for some women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) to take cinnamon when trying to conceive.

Additionally, cinnamon has been found to improve sperm function and sperm mobility in men.


Garlic has heaps of allicin and selenium. Allicin is a compound that’s proven to help protect sperm from being damaged.

The compound was also found to increase ovulation rate and improve embryo quality. It’s recommended to eat one or two cloves of garlic a day when trying to conceive.


Research is mixed when it comes to turmeric (curcumin). Turmeric has long been thought to be a superfood that provides an abundance of anti-inflammatory qualities.

However, one new study shows that it may reduce the growth of endometrial cells in the uterus lining, which is not helpful when struggling to conceive or for women with endometriosis.


Ginger root was found to positively affect semen quality by improving its count, motility, and viability.

Ginger in your tea or food may also help to treat any inflammation that may negatively affect your reproductive system.


The fertility journey can feel overwhelming and out of your control. You can regain some power when it comes to choosing foods that are good for fertility.

Fruits like apples, berries, tomatoes, and pomegranate contain vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that promote fertility in women and men.

Beans, lentils, sunflowers, and walnuts are easy-to-add fertility foods that provide essential fiber and protein when trying to conceive.

Most fertility-friendly foods aren’t animal products. But beef liver is one of the most nutrient-filled foods on the planet that may help.

Maybe you can’t access certain foods, or you’re just picky. Over-the-counter supplements like Fertility for Her are available to fill in nutritional gaps.

Always consult with medical professionals before starting a fertility diet or any supplement.

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